Thursday 3 January 2013

Second Day. Same as first...

Today I planned to:

Re-straighten hair
Ring docs and get appointments
Make delicious ham sandwich
Cook roast dinner.
Not have a nap.
Finish sorting car insurance.

Little bit *something-er*, little bit worse...

Today I actually:

Got phoned by docs and made appointments.  Need blood taking too (*boo hiss*)
Made stew.  Can do that sitting down - the rest of it does itself.
Made not-so-delicious ham sandwich.
Had a two hour nap

Was all smug.  Bread, dated 28 December, was still squishy.  WOO HOO (thought I).  My bread has not read the calendar.  And then I looked at it.  It was green in places.  BOO HISS.  I managed to get two slices out of the 90% full bag that wasn't.  YAY!

I knew I had two slices of the super-posh (!) thick cut breaded ham left.  I knew this because I had left two slices the other day when I had a sandwich.  I knew that Hubby didn't like this ham because we discussed it in the supermarket.  He had two packets of other cooked meats instead. 

SO WHY is there only one slice of my ham left?  There was a whole packet of his not-so-nice ham.

He was showering at the time, and I was going to give him the silent treatment when he finished but then I realised he'd probably quite like that and so I gave him a giant bollocking.  Because he is an arsehole.  And that was My Special Ham.

I'm fucked off, though, that chopping vegetables (over the course of about 90 mins cos I kept having to stop) and then making a ham & hummus sandwich tired me so much I needed a fucking nap.  I'm sleeping as much as someone on Death Row.

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