Wednesday 11 June 2014

WCA...take 2

OK, so after what seemed like a zillion letters, I've finally had my WCA for ESA.  It was annoying having so many, because I'd get an appointment date through, contact Judith to see if she could come with me (and, at times, she would change her plans so she could), only to get another letter within a couple of days with a different date/time on.

It couldn't have been more different from the first one, blogged about here.  I was the first appointment of the afternoon session, so was seen relatively close to my appointment time.  Not "on time", but within ten minutes.

Again, Judith came with me - I really don't know what I would do without her in my life <3 - and, again, I wore my "I'm the one the Daily Mail warned you about" T-shirt.

So, we follow the nice lady into the room.  If I was a wheelchair user on my own, I would've struggled getting through the heavy (fire?) doors - especially at the end of the appointment when we were finding our own way back out of the building.

She introduced herself (first name only) and asked me to confirm that I still wanted the appointment recorded.  Bearing in mind I'd had a phone call not three hours earlier asking me if I was still going and still wanted recording, and confirming that they had recording equipment available, I did.  Not changing my mind on this one, sorry folks.  She then asked if she could ask me a few questions before she got going properly, because my form was so detailed (thanks to Benefits and Work!).

No problem, says I, and answers the questions - basic ones about my current medication, what's wrong with me, whether I always use a wheelchair, how often I dislocate and subluxate, how my mental health is (because I have the joy of both mental health issues and physical disabilities).  I give her the most recent reports from my work's Occupational Health doctor, and confirm that if I was well enough to work, I would be going to my job that is still, theoretically at least, there for me to do.

She then leaves the room to make a phone call to her supervisor.  She's gone about five or ten minutes, and comes back saying she doesn't need to do the full assessment, she thinks she's got everything and that the DWP will be in touch.

At this point, I ask what her qualification is - she confirms she's a nurse, and I ask for her surname and  NMC number.  She gets defensive, saying she doesn't know it off the top of her head, and why do I want it - I confirm it's nothing nefarious, just for my records.  She confirms I can get it from the person at reception.

So we ask the person at reception, who can't find it and has to leave the reception area to get it.  She comes back with it on a post-it note, which is now stuck to my appointment letter.

We were in the assessment room for no more than 20 minutes.    Now just got to wait to see what she's decided...


  1. They make you feel so low and so bad, when I went for my first medical it was awful and when they sent back the report it was full of wrongs I obviously went to mandatory reconsideration which went against me but I have lodged an appeal now and hoping that it will work my way, I truly don't think I can cope much more with these dwp situations

  2. The Tories give most to those that need it least and least to those that need it most!

  3. Firstly I would like to say that I was in full time employment since 1965 I have received DLA since 2004, top rate mobility and middle rate care, I managed to continue working until 2006 but was so ill and coping with a second heart attack along with other complications that I was placed on incapacity benefits following a government medical.
    I had another government medical in Nov 2012 and again continued with incapacity as I was found not fit for work, SUPRISE !!!
    In October 2013 I was sent the forms to fill in for ESA it is now June 2014 and like so many have not heard a thing even after contacting both the Incapacity and ESA departments.
    My concern is that on Dec 9th 2014 less than six month's away I will be 65 and entitled to my state pension. I have informed the department's concerned but still no joy, will I retire and then later get a letter to attend a WCA ??????. The whole welfare scheme is in turmoil.

  4. Glad you got your medical recorded. I last had one in 2012 and sent them a letter saying I would be recording it. This was before the DWP confirmed that they'd allow people to record it and that Atos had to supply the recording equipment. Atos then cancelled and rearranged my appointment several times before I turned up and had my appointment with a rather hostile nurse. I didn't manage to get it recorded as they claimed "not to have the equipment" and I knew they'd end the interview and put in a "fail to participate" notice if I recorded it myself. They put me on ESA wrag and left me alone. Course since then the whole Atos thing has gone into melt down. Previously, I'd had other Atos assessments & each report submitted to the DWP was full of errors. Luckily I won my appeals. It scared me as even though I suffer, sitting in the waiting room seeing how ill the other people around me were was just crushing. I felt so bad for them. I hope Benefits & Work are right and the WCA is on it's last legs. Benefits should support not antagonise and harass. I just wish more people would get angry about it.

  5. i realise this may not be a popular post but i will make it anyway. I have had complex multiple disabilities since birth, but managed to work full time until the early 2000s. I then did part time work alongside study that was all permitted and declared so my benefits were adjusted accordingly. I have also been a citizen advocate for over ten years. I am not able to use a wheelchair or crutches because another condition flares up and the pain is intolerable and so with bumper strength pain relief i get through, but as i do manage to walk and tolerate the pain, it causes problems,

    I too have been through the transition to ESA have DLA, so have filled all the forms in. This coalition get the flak for a Labour policy change and also for the ATOS contracts. These were all set up a full two years before IDS started to meddle. It is also not ATOS who make the decision on your benefits, it is the DWP decision makers and whilst i do not agree with the vilification of those who need to claim it is the media and sadly other's in our own communities who are fanning the flames of hatred towards those who are genuinely in need.

    I do not for one minute condone the arrogant attitude of those in the medical profession who on their own power and ego trip get a buzz from distressing and hurting those in need. But they are not confined to being employed by ATOS. As the Francis Inquiry found and those who like me work with people under mental health services know only too well that the medical profession with its roots in Victorian England believe they are superior and seek to dictate to others what their deficiencies are.

    However, i have over many years worked alongside several charities whose staff are the opposite extreme, and what the food bank organisations don't tell you is that they have had to circulate letters that state this is not a name a shame list "but" and it is a list of people scamming the system. It has always sickened me to see just how much those who do abuse the system take and expect with ease, and those who have broken down in front of me after several years of not seeking help who can no longer cope.

    The DWP decision makers have no idea who you are or what your limitations are as they have never met you and they process hundreds of forms a week. They are not mind readers and like us advocates and barristers can only input or work with what you tell them on the forms or additional papers.

    The fact is that if the decision maker has sufficient information from your initial application with supporting evidence they will NOT need to send you for a WCA / Medical. Send Copies of all your letters, reports etc PLUS the NHS Choices information, if you have visited A&E get the discharge form and send a copy of that as well.

    To date my decisions have come back favourable from my initial form, and my track record with helping others is an >80% success on initial application without ever seeing an ATOS employee. It is a lot of hard work but worth the effort.

    Unfortunately the Welfare system was created in 1948 and it was never intended to cope with the demands of the 21st Century. Back then very few women worked, they were "kept" by the men who were never unemployed. Medical advances mean we live longer and with a school leaving age now of 18 and not 14, we do not start paying into the system until on average age 22. There is just not enough money in the pot to cope with the increasing population and demands. Equality and Globalisation add even more demand on the system.

    I do get angry, but do my best to direct it at the right people or organisation.

    When you look at what Labour are now proposing if they get back in and remember they brought in ESA and ATOS in 2008, you will find that there is not much difference between any of the main parties at all. It has long been commented that Margaret Thatcher's biggest legacy was New Labour and Tony Blair. While we rant about the coalition,be careful about what could replace it.
