Monday, 12 May 2014

ME Awareness Day

Today I had Plans.

Not big plans.  Just plans.

I had planned to get up, prepare a shepherds pie for dinner tonight, go to the library and return some books, have a shower and write a blog post.

I got up, about four hours later than I'd imagined I would, but I just wasn't able to get out of bed when I wanted to.

I didn't have the spoons or brain power to cook straight away so I flopped onto the sofa and watched the last episode of The Crimson Field.  I can't remember what happened so I'm going to have to get it back from the Sky+ deleted bin.

I prepped the base of the shepherds pie and the veggies to go with it (sitting on a stool in the kitchen, listening to Steve Wright) and then didn't have the spoons to do anything else.  Including eat the majority of the sandwich I made.

I'm about to go for the shower now - I feel safer doing it when someone else is here (hubs is home from work now) if I'm really spoony, even though it's a walk-in shower I still worry about falling and not being able to get up or being stuck with shampoo in my hair and no energy to get it out etc.

Library will have to wait until another day; thank goodness for online renewal facility.

So...ME Awareness Day.  Yup, I'm aware of my ME, and really wish I wasn't...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just stumbled across your blog looking for something else entirely, which for the life of me, I can't remember. I know it was something to do with ME as I too am a sufferer. I also have Fibromyalgia. Fun times! I've been off work now for two years and two months and fortunately I get PHI like you. Though it doesn't effect my ESA, perhaps I don't get as much PHI, who knows? The way you write reminds me of, well me and I bookmarked your page. So now I sound really egotistical. Hmm. Anyway, just wanted to say hi. I must go lay down now as I over did things yesterday and now I feel like death after being hit by a bus. Take care.
